Tuesday, June 21, 2011


My family and I really enjoy watching the tiny hummingbirds zoom by on their way to our hummingbird feeder.  They have really gotten used to us being there and have even visited the feeder when I was watering a nearby plant and was less than a foot away!  Even my youngest son was able to watch them feed from less than a couple of feet.  We have spotted as many as 5 at a time fighting their way to the nectar.  And by fighting, I mean, really fighting!  Hummingbirds really don't know how to share very well...

Anyway, the other day, my youngest son yelled to me that there was an "Emergency!"  Now, being 4 years old, he doesn't always understand the concept of emergencies, but this time,  he was right.  There was  a tiny hummingbird in our garage.  Apparently, he had taken a wrong turn leaving our feeder and was hovering near the light in the garage.  He kept staying up near the ceiling and wouldn't fly and lower towards the door.  Every time he hit the ceiling or the wall I was afraid he'd just collapse from the struggle.  I was so worried about him.  I tried everything I could think of to lure him lower.  Turned out the light.  Put a pot full of petunias on the floor of the garage.  Hung the hummingbird feeder in the garage on a hook by the petunias.  NOTHING WORKED!  


I actually held the hook on which the hummingbird feeder was hanging up to him near the ceiling.  To my delight, he stopped struggling to feed!  While he was feeding on the nectar, I  S-L-O-W-L-Y lowered the feeder and moved toward the door.  He was drinking and perched on the feeder the whole time!  I got him to the door and he took off outside!  YIPPIE!  I was so happy for him!

By the way, did you know that the best RECIPE for hummingbird food is actually very simple (and cheap!):

4 parts water to 1 part sugar (just regular old sugar)

I've read conflicting things about boiling the water first but I always do.  I figure I'll be cautious and just do it.  Besides, it helps the sugar dissolve quicker.  Just be sure to let it cool before you fill your feeder!  And don't add any red food coloring!  That red stuff you buy in the store apparently may be bad for them....

Happy Hummingbird Watching!

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